A Mathematical Model to Predict Nickel Concentration in Karaj River Sediments


The contamination of surface waters through human activities has been intensified over the past years as population density has increased. Nickel is a metallic element and fuel combustion, nickel mining, refining waste, sewage sludge, and incineration are the major sources of nickel propagation. Nickel from various industrial wastewaters and other sources finally are disposed into water bodies. In this work, Karaj river was considered from 50º to 50º 14´longitudes and 35º 45´ to 35º 58´ latitudes and the presence of nickel was also assessed in this area. Sixteen stations were randomly selected and sediment samples were collected in polyethylene containers. Some water quality parameters such as pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity, were determind by direct on-site measurements. To measure COD, 16 water samples were collected in dark bottles and transferred to laboratory spatial parameters such as slope and distance from start point were also calculated by ARCGIS 9.2. The relation between Ni concentration with spatial parameters and water quality parameters were obtained by multivariate analysis. Results showed that there was a significant relation between Ni concentration in sediments and distance from start point and electrical conductivity

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