Error analysis for a Static Convergent Beam Triple LIDAR


In this paper we consider the problem of uncertainty propagation and quantification for the converging triple-beam LIDAR technology, proposed for measuring wind velocity passing through a fixed point in space. Converging triple-beam LIDAR employs the use of three non-parallel, noncoplanar, laser beams which are directed from a fixed platform, typically at ground level, that extend to meet at the point at which measurement of velocity is sought. Coordinate values of the velocity are ascertained with respect to unit vectors along the lines of sight of the laser beams (Doppler vectors), which are then resolved in order determine the velocity in terms of Cartesian coordinates (i.e. with respect to the standard basis). However, if there is any discrepancy between the recorded values of the coordinates with respect to the Doppler unit vectors and/or the perceived angle settings for such vectors with what they really should be, however small, then this will lead to errors in the reconstructed Cartesian coordinates. The aim of this paper to quantify the potential size of this error by consideration of the variance-covariance matrix of the reconstructed Cartesian coordinates

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