The effect of a flavonoid fractions diosmin + hesperidin on radiation-induced acute proctitis in a rat model


Background: To explore the protective effect of a flavonoid fractions diosmin + hesperidin (Daflon), against radiation-induced acute proctitis in an experimental rat model. Materials and Methods: Thirty four rats were divided into four groups. The rats in Group 1 received Daflon and underwent irradiation. The rats in Group 2 received no Daflon and underwent irradiation. The rats in Group 3 received Daflon and underwent sham irradiation. The rats in Group 4 received no Daflon and underwent sham irradiation. Daflon emulsion (100 mg/kg/day) was administered via an orogastric feeding tube to the rats in groups 1 and 3 starting from 1 day prior to irradiation until the euthanasia day (day 15 following irradiation). Radiation therapy was delivered on a cobalt-60 unit using a single fraction of 17.5 Gy defined at a depth of 1 cm through an anterior portal. Slides were examined by the same pathologist under a light microscope two times in a blinded manner. Results: When compared to group 2, the rats of Group 1 showed less glandular distortion and less mucosal inflammation with less infiltration of the crypt epithelia by the inflammatory cells (P < 0.001). A statistically significant increase in all parameters but muscular wall thickness was observed for the rats in Group 2 as compared to the group 3 and 4. Conclusions: Administration of a dose of 100 mg/kg/day of the diosmin + hesperidin resulted in decreased morphologic inflammatory changes. This drug may have protective effects against radiation-induced acute proctitis

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