Case Report - Anorectal amelanotic malignant melanoma


A 45-year-old lady presented with history of painless bleeding per rectum for 2 months. Colonoscopy revealed a small growth involving the region of the anorectal junction, biopsy of which was reported to be poorly differentiated carcinoma, with the possibility of amelanotic melanoma. At the time of undergoing abdominoperineal resection the patient did not show any obvious evidence of regional lymph node involvement or distant metastases. Histopathology of the tumour after routine haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stain and subsequent special staining with anti-melanoma antibodies, HMB 45 and S 100, conclusively proved amelanotic melanoma. She developed multiple secondary deposits in the liver after 3 months of surgery and a recent bone scan revealed multiple metastases in the bones. However, she is still alive at the time of reporting

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