An empirical analysis of variety price premium attributes, spatial and temporal pricing patterns for cowpeas in Ogun State, Nigeria


The paper examined variety price premium attributes, spatial and temporal pricing patterns of cowpeas in Ogun State Nigeria. Monthly retail cowpea prices were collected over the period of January 1989 to December 1999, for peu (drum) and sokoto varieties. Four markets located in four zones were used for the study. Choice of the markets was based on the volume of cowpea sales and their location from the state zonal headquarters. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to process data collected. Retail price in a given month was regressed on variety, location, season and the covariate, trend. The model had a good fit, explaining 46 percent of total variation in commodity price. The estimated parameters of variety dummy, location dummies and the covariate, trend - were all significant. Six out of the estimated 11parameters of the seasonal dummies were significant while five were not, thus stratifying seasonal price into low commodity price months and high commodity price months. Location price difference was inversely related to distance from the central commodity market, and the seasonal price difference was attributed to storage technique. These show imperfect competitive market behaviour. peu/drum with characteristics of brown colour, rough skin and large grain size had a price premium than sokoto, which is white, rough skinned and of smaller grains. Spatial and temporal price differences observed can be reduced through a better road network, improved storage techniques and adequate market information. The identified cowpea attributes of large grain, rough skin and brown colour are recommended attributes in breeding programmes

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