Evaluación citogenética de la generación M1V2 de tetraploides experimentales en sábila (Aloe vera L.) (Cytogenetic evaluation of M1V2 generation from experimental tetraploids in Aloe vera L.)


Chromosomal characteristics were analyzed in the vegetative descendants of A. vera plants with complete and partial induced tetraploidy by means of the immersion of rhizomes in colchicine solution. The chromosomal mutants M1V1 were cultivated under greenhouse conditions until the obtaining of suckers M1V2 with 4 to 6 leaves. The descendants were identified according to its position in the maternal rhizome periphery. The evaluation of the number, size and morphology of the mitotic chromosomes was carried out in temporary slide with squashing of root tips treaties with colchicine, fixer, HCl and FLPorceine. The karyological results allowed to recognize a complete chromosomic stability in the suckers from tetraploid plants, staying a constant karyotype 2n=4x=28 in all the analyzed samples. The suckers of chimerical plants M1V1 corroborated the existence of mericlinal mutations induced by low exhibition and concentration colchicine levels and the identification of the mutant quadrants in its partially tetraploid parents. Contrary to the chimerical plants M1V1, its descendants M1V2 presented a individual diploid or tetraploid level in its radical meristems. Aneuploidchromosomic variations neither structural changes were not observed from the colchicine effects or postreatment cellular accidents in both generations

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