Morbidity and Mortality from Bowel Injury Secondary to Induced Abortion


Eight patients managed for bowel injury following induced abortion were studied for the pattern of morbidity and mortality. The patients were aged 18-39 years. Three of them were married, five were single. Two of the cases were detected at the time of termination of pregnancy. The interval from termination of pregnancy to presentation in hospital was two days to two weeks in the other six patients. Injury was in the ileum in three, jejunum in two and the sigmoid colon in three. Twenty surgical interventions were performed for primary treatment and management of complications. Major complications were abdominal wound dehiscence (5), faecal fistula (2) and postoperative diarrhoea (1).The duration of hospitalisation at the first admission ranged from seven to 163 days. The excessive morbidity is attributed to delay in presentation; most patients been seen after 72 hours. Primary repair of colonic injury is discouraged. No death was recorded. Literature is reviewed on the condition in West Africa and suggestion made on means of reducing morbidity from induced abortion. (Afr J Reprod Health 2003; 7[3]: 65-68

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