Review of the implications of changes in EU pesticides legislation on the production and export of fruits and vegetables from developing country suppliers
Since 1993 the European Union (EU) has been implementing a programme to establish harmonised Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) for pesticide residues in foodstuffs sold in the EU. Between 1993 and July 2000, the EU has been aiming to establish MRLsfor 102 pesticide active ingredients. However, acceptable data for establishment of MRLs has not been available for a significant number of crop/active ingredient combinations. In such situations, the EU has left the MRLposition as an "openposition"for a limited period of time. During this period, data can be submitted to the EU to provide for the establishment of an MRL - this is usually done by agrochemical companies, but can also be done by other interested parties. If the period expires and no acceptable data has been received, the MRL is set at the analytical Limit of Determination (LOD) i.e. analytical zero