A qualitative exploration of experiences of diagnosis amongst people living with type 2 diabetes


Background: Previous research has found that experiences of being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) shape how people regard their condition, which can later have an impact on self management. This research examines experiences of diagnosis reported by people living with T2D. Methods: Using semi-structured interviews (N = 25), focus groups (3 x N = 12 participants) and open-ended questionnaires (N = 6), people living with T2D were recruited from a community-based T2D participation group. Data were analysed thematically using a framework analysis. Results: Patients’ accounts of diagnosis yielded 3 main themes: (1) Routes to diagnosis; (2) Symptom status during diagnosis experience; and (3) Responses to T2D diagnosis. It was found that participants’ routes to diagnosis and their experiences of symptoms prior to, and during, the diagnosis process presented varying barriers and facilitators to receiving, understanding and/or acting on, the ramifications of their condition. This, in turn, shaped how participants’ responded to their diagnosis. Conclusion: The paper concludes that positive experiences of diagnosis may be possible if barriers to receiving a T2D diagnosis are removed through health promotion measures. Equally, healthcare professionals should seek to resolve the uncertainties that people experience around the time of diagnosis. It is recommended that the latter could be achieved by tailoring patient information and support according to 1) routes to diagnosis, and 2) the stage of the condition has reached at the time of diagnosis

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