
Revised classification of the soils of Belize


The soil classification of Belize is revised and updated, starting from the system devised for 'Land in British Honduras' by A. C. S. Wright and his colleagues in the 1950s, the only previous country-wide survey of soils and land resources. The revised classification is a three-tiered system consisting of soil suites, subsuites and series. The suites are based on rock type, and the subsuites on soil profile characteristics. The main groups of soils, the soil suites, and the soil subsuites are described separately at progressively increasing levels of detail. There are insufficient data to describe soil series as yet, but guidelines for the definition and naming of new series are indicated. The classes of the revised system are correlated with all of the soil classifications previously used in Belize, and with the two main international systems of soil classification. Important chemical features of the-main soil groups are summarized and compared. The comparisons vindicate the revised classification

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