
Developments in Whistleblowing Research 2015


Those interested in this Ebook may like to know some of the background to its publication. In June 2009 a conference was held at Middlesex University to mark the fact that whistleblowing legislation had been in force in the UK for a decade. This event included a public lecture and attracted delegates from a range of backgrounds, including academics, legal and management practitioners, trade unionists, whistleblowers and students. At the end of the conference the decision to establish an International Whistleblowing Research Network (IWRN) was taken. People can join this network simply by consenting to their email address being put on a list and used for distribution purposes. At the time of writing, October 2015, there are over 150 members of the network. The current convenor of the network is David Lewis who can be contacted via [email protected]. Another outcome of this conference was the preparation of an edited book based on the papers presented. This was published by Edward Elgar in 2010 under the title “A global approach to public interest disclosure: what can we learn from existing whistleblowing legislation and research?” Following the IWRN London conferences in 2011 and 2013, an Ebook (entitled “Whistleblowing and Democratic Values”) and a special issue of the E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies were produced respectively. Thus this Ebook, which uses material presented at the June 2015 IWRN conference held in Sarajevo, maintains the network’s tradition of disseminating research papers. Of course, there are other important publications on the subject and the reader’s attention is drawn in particular to the “International Whistleblowing Research Handbook” published by Edward Elgar in 2014

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