Nature Light Truth


This exhibition is part of the 18-month project "Spirited Stoke: Spiritualism in the Everyday Life of Stoke-on-Trent (SpELS)" funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and developed by the Open University. Throughout the twentieth century, Stoke-on-Trent was the national hub of a thriving spiritualist movement. Yet few are aware of this hidden legacy which has been overshadowed by the city's industrial heritage. The overall aim of the SpELS research project is to acknowledge the place of spirit in the everyday life of this very unique city, drawing on insights from the practices of the local Spiritualist churches and their congregations. The exhibition gathers archival material as well as objects, stories and pictures collected from interviews with Spiritualists. These interviews mostly took place in their living rooms - a space that has historical significance for Spiritualism, and that also evokes the everydayness of beliefs and practices. We hope that this exhibition and its associated activities help visitors to learn more about Spiritualism in the context of Stoke-on-Trent, and that they reflect and share their own spiritual experiences of the present-day city

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