Spectrum, Volume 12, Number 20


Highlights include: 1994 was the first year in which any member of the University community could be awarded the 30 year honor. Last year. Registrar Douglas Bohn and Professor Maria Toiriera were handed medals for their service. This year Professor of Mathematics Raoul DeVilliers and Professor of Art Virginia Zic will receive 30 year medals -- Twelve faculty members, representing all disciplines, have become involved in a new Writing Advisory Board. Director of Freshman Communications Dr. Alison Warriner formed the board with the future of writing instruction at Sacred Heart University in mind. The Writing Advisory Board is currently discussing options to bring a writing-across-the-curriculum (WAC) program to SHU --Four professors take sabbatical: professors will be involved in projects designed to enhance their effectiveness as university faculty. Associate Professor of philosophy, Dr. Edward A. Papa, in his eighth year with the University will be writing. Dr. Gary L. Rose, professor of political science, will be completing his fourth book The American presidency under siege. After 29 years with the University, Associate Professor of biology. Dr. Carol Schofield will undertake the task of redesigning the University’s anatomy and physiology laboratories, using a multi-media interactive approach to learning. Ninth year history professor Dr. Thomas Curran will be involved in several research projects. His primary focus will be on revising his dissertation, “Education and Society in Republican China,” which deals with the changing status of intellectuals --Professor Jonathan Matte makes Math magnificent

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