
Right-convergence of sparse random graphs


The paper is devoted to the problem of establishing right-convergence of sparse random graphs. This concerns the convergence of the logarithm of number of homomorphisms from graphs or hyper-graphs \G_N, N\ge 1 to some target graph WW. The theory of dense graph convergence, including random dense graphs, is now well understood, but its counterpart for sparse random graphs presents some fundamental difficulties. Phrased in the statistical physics terminology, the issue is the existence of the log-partition function limits, also known as free energy limits, appropriately normalized for the Gibbs distribution associated with WW. In this paper we prove that the sequence of sparse \ER graphs is right-converging when the tensor product associated with the target graph WW satisfies certain convexity property. We treat the case of discrete and continuous target graphs WW. The latter case allows us to prove a special case of Talagrand's recent conjecture (more accurately stated as level III Research Problem 6.7.2 in his recent book), concerning the existence of the limit of the measure of a set obtained from RN\R^N by intersecting it with linearly in NN many subsets, generated according to some common probability law. Our proof is based on the interpolation technique, introduced first by Guerra and Toninelli and developed further in a series of papers. Specifically, Bayati et al establish the right-convergence property for Erdos-Renyi graphs for some special cases of WW. In this paper most of the results in this paper follow as a special case of our main theorem.Comment: 22 page

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