Bistatic sonar and a novel form of variable depth sonar


This thesis relates to the sonar system research undertaken for a Naval Requirement for proposals to improve the cost effectiveness of the defence of shipping against submarine attacks. Defence systems evolved as a function of the developing technology of the opposition which in this instance is the ability of a submarine to remain undetected below the sea surface while searching for, tracking and attacking its targets. An inherent problem for underwater detection with Escort Ships hull type sonars is its location on the air-sea interface with the need of a two-way propagation path to access the depth-range volume available to a submarine. As the power of an Escort's sonar is increased so is the size of ship, 5000 tons and more, to accommodate the optimum size of transducers required.Sonar system research at all times is a multi-discipline task and in this particular case was further broadened with a requirement to review the possibilities for sources of energy other than underwater acoustics. The research confirms the dominance of sonar for underwater detection and establishes the feasibility of a Bistatic Sonar concept which replaces the two-way propagation path of a hull type sonar with a one-way path, source-target-receiver with a variable depth directive towed line receiver on a small ship as a distant receiver. A second objective which became feasible with the development of an adequate towed source was a variable depth sonar which has now been produced by British Aerospace for a world market. A summary of the thesis is provided as an introduction to the subject matter of the different sections

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