
ISO-LWS observations of IRAS16293-2422


We obtained LWS grating spectra toward IRAS 16293-2422 and the surrounding region, which covers the entire extent of the molecular outflow. The LWS spectra show that the region is relatively uncontaminated by PhotoDissociationRegion (PDR)-like emission, showing only a weak diffuse CII emission. The on-source spectrum revealed the presence of the OI(63μm) line and several lines from CO, H2O and OH molecules. In this work we derive the macroscopic quantities associated with the UV-illuminated emitting gas which surrounds IRAS16293-2422 and compare it with previous studies. We show that the molecular lines originate in a hot (~1600 K), dense (~ 3·104cm-3) and extended (~ 8·1016cm) region, that we interprete as the shock of the wind impacting obliquely with the walls of the cavity created by the wind itself. The OI(63μm) line observed by the Kuiper Airborne Observatory (KAO: Ceccarelli et al. 1997a) at ~ 1.2·1017cm west from the central source is hence interpreted as the head of the shock where the wind strikes the ambient gas. Finally we speculate that the OI(63μm) line emission seen on-source originates in the collapsing envelope that surrounds the central object(s

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