
Perbedaan Core Stability Exercise Secara Berkelompok dan secara individual untuk mengurangi nyeri Low Back Pain (LBP) Pada Pekerja Kuli Angkut Kayu Di Pacitan


Background: Low back pain (LBP) is a pain in the back between the lower corner of the costal (rib) until the lumbosacral (about coccyx). Pain can also spread to other areas such as the upper back and groin (Rakel, 2002). LBP or lower back pain is one of musculoskeletal disorders caused by the activity of the body that are less good (Maher, et al 2002). LBP classified into two groups, namely chronic and acute. Acute LBP will happen in less than 12 weeks. While chronic LBP occurs within 3 months. Objective: To determine differences in the provision of core stability exercises exercise in groups and individually to reduce pain Low Back Pain in workers porters teak in Pacitan. Methods: The study is Quasi Experiment is often called a quasi-experimental. Called quasi-experimental because not all external variables controlled by the researcher (Budiharto 2006) .Types research conducted with Pre and Post Test Two Groups Design. Results and Conclusion: Based on the test sign test showed that the value of p <0.05 then there is a difference between the exercise CSE individuals and groups. Exercise Core Stability Exercise is done by two methods, namely by groups and individuals. Advantages of individual exercises in which patients can exercise whenever and wherever accordance with the wishes of the patient (Sri, 2010). There are differences in the delivery of core stability exercises exeercise to groups and individuals to reduce the pain of low back pain in workers porters teak in Pacitan. This is evidenced by the value of the provision of core stability exercise in individuals is lower than the value of gifts core stability exercise in groups

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