DNase I nick translation in situ on meiotic chromosomes of the mouse, Mus musculus


DNase-I-sensitive sites have been located on the meiotic chromosomes of the mouse, Mus musculus, by the in situ DNase I nick-translation method. We find that: (1) of all the cell types studied, pachytene nuclei are the most sensitive to DNase I; (2) in diplotene the nicks occur preferentially in the vicinity of chiasmata; (3) the sex chromosomes are also sensitive to the enzyme despite their transcriptional quiescence; and (4) in the sex bivalent the nicks are primarily observed in the putative region of recombination. We conclude that, in addition to discriminating between the transcriptionally active and inactive states of chromatin, DNase I identifies recombination-specific chromatin changes in meiotic prophase

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