Distribución actual, ecología y estrategias para la conservación de un primate críticamente amenazado (Ateles fusciceps fusiceps) en el Ecuador


Distribution, ecology and strategies for the conservation of a critically endangered primate (Ateles fusciceps fusiceps) in Ecuador. Ateles fusciceps occurs from Southern Panama to Ecuador. The subspecies Ateles fusciceps fusciceps is endemic to Ecuador and can be found west of the Andes, from the north of the country to the Manabí Province in the south. Its largest population is found in the Province of Esmeraldas. Deforestation and hunting are the main threats faced by these primates. A.f.fusciceps relies on large tracts of primary forest but can also be found in forest fragments close to human settlements. Illegal logging is having a detrimental effect on the food availability for this primate, who feed mainly on ripe fruit. In this chapter we summarize the conservation status of this taxon and report more than 60 species that are key to A.f.fusiceps survival in Tesoro Escondido, Esmeraldas Province. In order to protect this Critically Endangered primate and its habitat it is crucial to develop conservation actions that enable alternative economic income for local communities

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