Designing local food systems in everyday life through service design strategies


Thepaper’spracticalobjectiveistoprovidethosedevelopingcommunityscale food systems with an implementable model. Its theoretical objective is to examine theways toeffectivelydesignpost-capitalistmodels for food systems.In providing a testable model for food systems design, the paper advances concept formationinthefield.Thecasestudyapproachrecognizesthatlocalfoodsystems designcannotdependonabstract,formalizedmodelsduetothespecificityofeach project. The crucial role for designers include the involvement of end-users in everyday life in the research process, experimentation in everyday life, building relationships,aswellasprototyping,policymakingandimplementationofservices to be delivered by public agencies. People-led food systems can engage agencies andcitizensinaco-productionprocesswherebyusersdesignandimplementtheir own service program that can be enabled by public agencies. Design-led food strategies illustrate an approach to create eco-acupuncture points that will ultimately start to change the dominant industrial agriculture system into a new socialandeconomicparadigm

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