Interdisciplinaridade e desenvolvimento de competências profissionais: levantamento empírico com egressos de Relações Públicas da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
This article develops a theoretical-conceptual discussion about the field of Public Relations, understood as one of the areas of composition of Social Communication. Our proposal is based on the scoring of challenges and professional demands faced by the area as a field marked by disparities and tensions. To trace this complex panorama regarding the area, semi-structured interviews were conducted with graduates of the Public Relations course of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, graduated between 2004 and 2014. There were 13 professionals consulted and, from their answers during the meetings, in the present work we analyzed the interdisciplinarity dimensions as a relevant aspect to the training in the area, as well as the development of specific professional skills for a great performance in the labor market. In terms of theoretical discussions, beyond the interdisciplinarity basis as a key concept for research, we also make considerations about the notion of habitus, found on Pierre Bourdieu (1974). To understand the historical formation of the field of Public Relations, we resumed the insertion of the field in Brazil, mainly from the military regime. In terms of curriculum, we still resume the course history program, based on the case of UFMG, which in 2000 was implemented with a flexible curriculum proposal and can be considered a set of pedagogical experiences organized to facilitate the exchange of knowledge between the various academic areas. Among the main contributions achieved, interdisciplinarity can be considered as a primordial factor and to be stimulated in the academic path, according to the opinion of the graduates. Another important finding concerns the demands and expected competences of these subjects, that pointed out weaknesses in the curriculum, but not as a negative factor of the course, given that most approve the contributions given to their education. Moreover, there is a disparity between the formation of PR and what they find in the reality of market demands. Thus, the professional habitus suffers interference from these multiple practices experienced in different ways by the graduates, and the complete humanistic and social formation is fundamental for the consecration of a complete professional. Throughout the interviews, the professionals´ opinions divergence in Public Relations was noticeable. On the one hand, graduates sometimes extolled the training offered by the course, highlighting skills learned, subjects taken, internship opportunities and extension projects; On the other hand, a series of opinions differed on the same issues, pointing to flaws or deficiencies in the formation, such as the lack of discipline to organize events. The difficulty of legitimizing the field is noted by professionals as something that forces them to go through other sectors in search of strengthening the image and professional identity of the area. It was also noticeable that the course of professional performance of students maintained a constant trajectory within the field of Public Relations, always acting in the area, even if it was necessary to act in other areas that were not specific to the field. In conclusion, the findings allow us to reflect on possible directions for the better integration between graduates and current students of the course, in order to correlate market and Academy in a fruitful dialogue.O presente artigo desenvolve uma discussão teórico-conceitual acerca do campo de atuação de Relações Públicas, entendida como uma das áreas de composição da Comunicação Social. Nossa proposta se sustenta na pontuação de desafios e demandas profissionais enfrentadas pela área enquanto um campo marcado por disparidades e tensionamentos. Para traçar este panorama complexo relativo à área, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com egressos do curso de Relações Públicas da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, graduados entre 2004 e 2014. Foram 13 profissionais consultados e, a partir das respostas dadas durante os encontros, analisamos para o presente trabalho as dimensões da interdisciplinaridade como aspecto relevante à formação na área, bem como o desenvolvimento de competências profissionais específicas para um bom desempenho no mercado de trabalho. Em termos de discussões teóricas, além da base assentada na interdisciplinaridade como conceito-chave para a pesquisa, tecemos também considerações sobre a noção de habitus, baseados em Pierre Bourdieu (1974). Para compreender a formação histórica do campo de Relações Públicas, retomamos a inserção do campo no Brasil, principalmente a partir do regime militar. Em termos curriculares, ainda retomamos o histórico do currículo do curso, tomando por base o caso da UFMG. Dentre os principais aportes alcançados, pode-se considerar a interdisciplinaridade como fator primordial e a ser estimulado no percurso acadêmico, segundo a opinião dos egressos. Por fim, as constatações permitem refletir quanto a possíveis encaminhamentos para a melhor integração entre egressos e atuais alunos do curso, de modo a correlacionar mercado e Academia numa dialogia profícua