Feeding Activity Book for Home Treatment Programs


Sensory processing challenges in children can have adverse effects on their ability to eat. These children may experience food temperatures, flavors and textures more intensely, causing them to have an aversion to many food types, which can potentially lead to the inability to get proper nutrition. In observing feeding therapy at Cascade Children’s Therapy (CCT), it was discovered that the therapists would benefit from a book to efficiently assign home treatment programs to these children with sensory processing challenges as an adjunct to in-clinic intervention. However, the home treatment programs needed to be playful in order to enhance adherence to the program. Eat, Play, Love is a book created for CCT containing 20 sensory-rich, playful food games and crafts from which therapists can efficiently reproduce, and assign to children and their caregivers as a home treatment program. This feeding activity book aims to improve food tolerance, and to increase food repertoire

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