
The Crane-Fly \u3ci\u3eTipula (Tipula)\u3c/i\u3e Oleracea (Diptera: Tipulidae) Reported From Michigan; A New Pest of Turfgrass in Eastern North America.


(excerpt) The subgenus Tipula (Tipula) is an Old World group with two introduced species in North America, the European Crane Fly, Tipula (T.) paludosa Meigen and T. (T.) oleracea Linnaeus, sometimes called the Common Crane Fly (Oosterbroek, 2005). Tipula paludosa is better known in North America, long established in the Pacific Northwest (Jackson 1975) and Canadian Maritimes provinces (Alexander 1962), more recently in California (Umble and Rao 2004, S. Gaimari, California Dept. Food and Agriculture, pers. comm.). It is a leading insect pest of turf grass and pastures in these areas, including infestin

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