Penyelesaian Sengketa Akad Murabahah di BPRS Klaten (Analisis Putusan Pengadilan Agama Klaten Nomor 1135/Pdt.g/2018/PA.Klt)


On August 1st, 2018 Religious Courts accept lawsuits regarding the fulfillment of obligations of contract financing Murābaḥah with the case number is 1135/Pdt. G/2018/PA/Tlc, filed by PT Bank Syariah Folk Financing Al Mabrur, based on the law on the road Kingdom-Solo and Klaten Km 04, Kerubaru, Belangwetan. North Klaten, case is represented by Arifin Hidayat, SE. in his position as President Director of PT BPRS Al Mabrur. Here they are suing Tri Suyatmi and Panut Basuki, lived at Jalan Prigi Wetan RT. 03 RW 0 Wards of the village Jogosetran, Kalikotes, Klaten District as clients. Based on the above issues, research been done on the Religious Court of Klaten, to the case number of 1135/Pdt. g/2018/PA. Tlc., among other things what is the consideration of the religious court judges the effort in resolving the matter number 1135/Pdt. g/2018/PA. TLC., whether the decisions of the Religious Court judges about the Tort of contract Murābaḥah in Klaten BPRS is in compliance with the DSN-MUI Fatwa. Research methodology that used in this research is the author's approach to evaluative methods with qualitative, namely by means of measuring the benefits and certain activities, as well as collect and analyze the data systematically to determine the value or the benefits of the contents of the case number 1135/Pdt. g/2018/PA. Tlc. Data is obtained from observations, interviews with the judges and the court clerk Klaten, and Religious documents in court. Based on the results of the research can be concluded that the decision of a judge of the case number 1135/Pdt. g/2018/PA. TLC is in valid declared at Murābaḥah contract no: 2414 and/APJBM/AL M/VI/2017, Defendants are proved doing wanprestasi and pay compensation for material loss of Rp. 36,269,864 and pay the fees. The basic law that used in determining the Justice of the verdict of the Tribunal is in compliance with the laws of the Islamic Economy i.e. the Shariah Board Fatwa-use Assembly Indonesia Ulema (DSN-MUI) about the Murābaḥah contract. Regarding on ruling the decision, Tribunal Judges also lists Basic Law Book law civil law (the Criminal Code) to strengthen the references and results of the verdict. In the subject matter of case plaintiff pleading legitimate sita stated warranties of goods belonging to the defendant, stating legitimate Murābaḥah Contract no: 2414 and/APJBM/AL M/VI/2017 declared the defendants have done a tort and punish the defendants to pay the punitive material damages and costs arising from the matter

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