The Contribution of Non-Native Teacher’s Belief, Native Teacher’s Belief and Collaborative Strategy Toward Students’ Speaking Achievement at SMP N 1 Karangdowo


The aim of this study is to know the contribution of non-native teacher’s belief, native teacher’s belief and collaborative strategy toward students’ speaking achievement. This study uses associational quantitative research as the method of the research. The subject of this study are 40 students of the ninth grade at SMP N 1 Karangdowo. The data of Native and Non-native teacher’s belief are got from students’ perception.The techniques of collecting the data are questionnaire and test.The questionnaire is dealing with non-native teacher’s belief, native teacher’s belief and collaborative strategy and the test of the research is dealing with students’ speaking achievement. The data are analized using the descriptive statistic, classic assumption tests, multiple regressions test, and hypothesis testing that includes t-test, f-test, coefficient of determination and predictor contributions. The result shows that the formulation of multiple regression is Y = 10.074 + 0,078 X1 + 0,193 X2 + 0,362 X3. The signficant data has been got from the result of 2 T_test.The non-native teacher’s belief (X1) shows that result of t_result is 2,106 with the significant result is 0,042. The native teacher’s belief (X2) shows that result of t_result is 2,520 with the significant result is 0,016. The collaborative strategy (X3) shows that result of t_result is 3,271 with the significant result is 0,02. The result of F_result is 0,744 with the significant result is 0,000. The result of R2 is 0,52. These mean that there are positive and significant contributions of independent variables toward dependent variable

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