
Analisis Dampak Rendaman Air Laut Terhadap Nilai Struktural Pada Campuran Asphalt Concrete – Binder Course ( AC – BC )


Sea water becomes one of the factors causing a failure of pavement. Pavement roads in the coastal areas of Indonesia are potentially happen inundation. Which causes the road performance to decrease and the life of the road is shorter. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of immersion on structural values on a pavement construction so that the impacts arising from the inundation of a road construction by sea water can be reduced so that the damage can be reduced. This research uses secondary data using secondary data analysis approach that utilizes secondary data as the main data source. The calculation of structural value is done with variation of vehicle speed plan: 15 km/hour; 20 km/h; and 25 km/h, according to Van Der Poel and Shell Bitumen based on existing parameters related to structural number can be done by empiric approach method. So to get the value of Sbit which becomes factor to determine the value of Smix which in it’s reader assisted with value of aggregate volume and also value of volume of binder of Smix value can be drawn value of structural layer coefficient which will be connected with the duration of bath using variation 0,5 hour; 24 hours; 72 hours; 120 hours; 168 hours. The result of this research shows that long water immersion of AC-BC asphalt mixture caused post-immersion structural value to decrease this matter because Smix value influenced by aggregate and binder amount, while Sbit value influenced by road temperature and length of loading time, it can be concluded that the relative strength value of the material is also indirectly influenced by the temperature of the pavement and the duration of loading. From result of analysis of structural layer coeficient value obtained per variation of immersion that is: 0,310; 0.246; 0.225; 0.210 and 0.2 then the recommended immersion application does not exceed 168 hours (7 days), due to the 168 hours immersion the structural layer coeficient indicates the result of 0.2 whereas the final limit of the relative coefficient value at the assumption of 50% decrease is tolerable only value 0.175

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