performance isolation approach for multi-tenancy web applications


提出一种面向应用级共享的多租户Web应用性能隔离方法.首先建立基于事务处理链的应用级资源管理模型,基于信号量机制给出了模型的并发控制算法,支持事务级、分阶段的多租户Web应用资源管理,并在一次事务处理的各阶段实现线程复用,避免因修改交互协议而产生的再工程代价.基于上述工作,给出多租户性能隔离算法及策略,并利用TPC-W电子商务应用验证方法的系统开销及有效性.实验结果表明,该方法可以有效降低租户资源侵占行为的影响,并避免系统过载.国家自然科学基金(批准号:61100068)|国家高技术研究发展计划(批准号:2012AA011204)|国家重点基础研究发展计划(批准号:2009CB320704)|武汉大学软件工程国家重点实验室开放基金(批准号:SKLSE20100821)资助项目Multi-tenancy enables the sharing of resources and costs across a large pool of users, thus allowing for centralization of infrastructure in locations with lower costs. Performance isolation is a key requirement for multi-tenant Web application hosting environments. This paper proposes a performance isolation approach for application-level sharing multi-tenancy Web applications. A fine-grained application-level resource management model based on the transaction-processing chain is first defined, as well as its concurrency control algorithm based on the semaphore mechanism. This model helps to manage resources usage in a transaction-level and phase-targeted way. It reuses one thread within a transaction process, and therefore, avoids the reengineering cost generated by system reconstruction. The end result is an approach that extends the current Web application hosting environments to multi-tenancy aware hosting environments. A detailed set of experiments were performed under different settings for changing workloads in the controlled TPC-W application to evaluate the effectiveness and performance overhead of our approach. Compared to the traditional coarse-grained strategy, experimental results show that the fine-grained strategy based on our approach is more efficient and agile in avoiding performance interference between multiple hosted tenants and CPU overload. Our results also show that the performance overhead of our approach is small

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