
AbstrakKepuasan pasien adalah hasil dari kesenjangan antara yang diharapkan dan karakteristik yang dirasakan oleh pasien dari pelayanan yang diterima. Sedangkan mutu pelayanan kesehatan adalah penerapan ilmu kesehatan dan teknologi dengan cara memaksimalkan manfaat terhadap pelayanan kesehatan tanpa menambahkan risiko. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pasien terhadap mutu pelayanan kesehatan diruang rawat inap kelas III Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah dr. Zainoel Abdidin (RSUDZA) Banda Aceh ditinjau dari perspektif pasien meliputi dimensi; tangible, reliability responsiveness, assurance dan empathy. Jenis penelitian descriptive, desain Cross Sectional Study, populasi semua pasien yang di rawat di ruang rawat Inap Kelas III RSUDZA Banda Aceh. Sampel berjumlah 93 orang diambil dengan metode Probability Sampling; Simple Random Sampling berkriteria. Proporsi jumlah sampel berpatokan pada BOR 6 bulan terakhir. Pengumpulan data dilakukan pada tanggal 4-15 Oktober 2010 dengan menggunakan The SERVQUAL Instrument. Analisa data dilakukan dengan menghitung skor rata-rata Dimention by Dimention Score Analysis, Dimention By Dimention Gap Score Analysis, dan Index of Patients Satisfaction. Hasil penelitiansemua dimensi menghasilkan Gap Score Negative secara berurutan yaitu; dimensi empati -0,9, dimensi kehandalan -0,86, dimensi ketanggapan dan dimensi jaminan -0,7, dan dimensi tampilan fisik -0,6, dengan skor Index of Patients Satisfaction 40,756%. Manajemen RSUDZA Banda Aceh perlu melakukan perbaikan untuk peningkatan mutu pelayanan kesehatan dalam upaya memberi kepuasan kepada pasien dengan fokus pada semua dimensi secara prioritas memperbaiki rasa empati, kehandalan, ketanggapan, jaminan, dan tampilan fisik.Kata kunci: kepuasan pasien, mutu pelayanan kesehatanABSTRACTPatient satisfaction is a result of the gap between the expectation and characteristics perceived by the patient from the service they received. Whereas, the quality of healthcare is the application of medical science and technology by maximizing the benefits of health care without add the risk. Research objective is to determine the level of patient satisfaction for the quality of health care in the third level of wards of District General Hospital dr. Zainoel Abidin (RSUDZA) of Banda Aceh which viewed by patient perspective including dimension of tangible, reliability responsiveness, assurance and empathy. The design of this study is descriptive, Cross Sectional Study; the population is the entire patient which is treated in the third level of wards of RSUDZA of Banda Aceh. The samples are 93 people which is selected by using ProbabilitySampling method; Simple Random sampling with criteria. The proportion of the samples was determined by BOR from the last six month. Data collection was done on October 4th – 15th 2010 by using The SERVQUAL Instrument. Data Analysis was done by calculated the mean score of Dimension by Dimension Score Analysis, Dimension by Dimension Gap Score Analysis, and Index of Patients Satisfaction. The results of the study for all dimensions produced Gap Score Negative sequentially, are empathy dimension -0.9, compatible dimension -0.86, responsiveness dimension and assurance dimension 0.7, and physic appearance dimension - 0.6, which index of Patients Satisfaction score was 40.756%. RSUDZA management of Banda Aceh needs to do the restoration for increasing the quality of health care in order to give the satisfaction for the patient by focusing with all dimensions as the main priority to correct empathy feeling, compatible, responsiveness, assurance, and physic appearance.Keywords: Patient satisfaction, the quality of health car

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