A manifesto for cognitive ergonomics: re-evaluating technology usability for the 21st century


Computer infiltration into the workplace and society has been extensive, yet the ideals of efficacy, efficiency and satisfaction have not been wholly met. We propose an ambitious framework to take forward Cognitive Ergonomics. We define Cognitive Ergonomics as an interdisciplinary field of research and practice dedicated towards: • Improving human wellbeing, mankind and our environment • By understanding and supporting human cognition • When at work or performing goal-directed tasks • With computers and other engineered artefacts. This revitalizing framework will be based on: • Interdisciplinary Research • Research-based Policy • Education The proposed interdisciplinary framework will refocus on the classical facets of usability and include work-relevant emotions as well as understanding the minimal requirements for successful interactions (including understanding agency). The research-based policy will focus on efficacy in terms of human cognitive ergonomics in a holistic perspective (i.e. producing the effects we want without adverse effects). This will include complex questions about interface design in the context of the organisational and business models that influence its development (e.g. monetization). The educational concerns will focus on efficiency and include minimal programmes for all computer scientists and all end-users, as well as the consequences of digital mediation in learning generally. This framework will differentiate cognitive ergonomics from its cognate fields of Human-Computer Interaction and Psychology, and address a gap between the social sciences and engineering that has become more urgent in the past 5-10 years. It is ideally suited to be carried forward by the European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics, as this framework is specifically a collaborative effort grounded in European intellectual and scientific tradition; a perspective that offers a much-needed contrast and complement to Anglosphere research and development agendas in interactive technologies

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