
Excitable Media Seminar


The simulation data presented here, and the conceptual framework developed for their interpretation are, both, in need of substantial refinement and extension. However, granting that they are initial pointers of some merit, and elementary indicators of general principles, several implications follow: the activity patterns of neurons and their assemblies are\ud interdependent with the extracellular milieu in which they are embedded, and to whose time varying composition they contribute. The complexity of this interdependence in the temporal dimension forecloses any time and context invariant relation between what the experimenter may consider stimulus input and its representation in neural activity. Hence, ideas of coding by (quasi)-digital neurons are called in question by the mutual interdependence of neurons and their\ud humoral milieu. Instead, concepts of 'mass action' in the Nervous system gain a new perspective: this time augmented by including the chemical medium surrounding neurons as part of the dynamics of the system as a whole. Accordingly, a meaningful way to describe activity in a neuron assembly would be in terms of a state space in which it can move along an infinite number of trajectories.\u

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