Qestionnaire Survey on Actual Activities of Independent Disaster Prevention Organizations -On 15Cities ,Towns and village in Centeral Region of Kanagawa Prefecture,Japan.-


Recent seismic activites in Tokai,Tonankai and Nankai regions,hightened the desire for more disaster prevention activities.The reduction of damage in earthquake disaster can be assured by hard and soft prevention measures.Soft measure,namely maintains the cooperation between municipalities and local residents or independent voluntarily disaster prevention organization(self-support,or government supported) to increase the public awareness about the importance of disaster prevention measures and required activities.The main obejective of this research is fact finding and evaluating the the actual condition of the independent disaster prevention organizations of cities,towns and a village and their potencials for information contribution,interaction and colaboration during a major disaster using questionnaire survey.In this paper we present our research and discussion on cities,towns and a village in centeral region of Kanagawa Prefecture and accumulate the results with serveys of fiscal year 2006 in westen region

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