Rural Religion in Ancient Arcadia: a Methodological Approach


Papers from the third international seminar on Ancient Arcadia, held at the Norwegian Institute at Athens, 7-10 May 2002Reality, understood as Truth, is a concept always subject to revision. Through landscape archaeology and the postprocessual trends in archaeology, we can develop the idea of 'mental landscape' , which gives to perception a very important role in the creation of different realities. If we apply the concept of mental landscape to the study of religion in ancient Arcadia we will find that the temple at Bassai was a focal point for establishing an identity against the enemy. This meaning was decisive for building the landscape. Therefore, Pan's sanctuary at Mount Parthenion is the result of ideological construction by the elite. The elite knew the role of the mountain in popular imaginery and used it in support of its own interests. So, landscape is really a construction of the world

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