
Adaptive Frequency Neural Networks for Dynamic Pulse and Metre Perception.


Beat induction, the means by which humans listen to music and perceive a steady pulse, is achieved via a perceptualand cognitive process. Computationally modelling this phenomenon is an open problem, especially when processing expressive shaping of the music such as tempo change.To meet this challenge we propose Adaptive Frequency Neural Networks (AFNNs), an extension of Gradient Frequency Neural Networks (GFNNs).GFNNs are based on neurodynamic models and have been applied successfully to a range of difficult music perception problems including those with syncopated and polyrhythmic stimuli. AFNNs extend GFNNs by applying a Hebbian learning rule to the oscillator frequencies. Thus the frequencies in an AFNN adapt to the stimulus through an attraction to local areas of resonance, and allow for a great dimensionality reduction in the network.Where previous work with GFNNs has focused on frequency and amplitude responses, we also consider phase information as critical for pulse perception. Evaluating the time-based output, we find significantly improved re-sponses of AFNNs compared to GFNNs to stimuli with both steady and varying pulse frequencies. This leads us to believe that AFNNs could replace the linear filtering methods commonly used in beat tracking and tempo estimationsystems, and lead to more accurate methods

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