SN 1993J in M81: optical photometry and spectrophotometery during the first two months


CCD photometric and spectrophotometric data on the type IIb supernova 1993J in M 81 (NGC 3031) obtained from Vainu Bappu Observatory, Kavalur, during the first two months since the outburst are reported. The evolution of the spectrum is described. The evolution of the velocity of P-Cygni absorption dips due to different lines is presented. The photospheric temperature and radius are determined using blackbody fits to BVRIJHK photometry after correcting for interstellar extinction and contribution to the band by the net line emission. The evolution of photospheric radius implies a density variation in the progenitor ρ∝r−n with n=5-6 during the rise to the second maximum reducing to n=2 soon after. These values are comparable to the corresponding values for SN1987A. An application of the expanding photosphere method yields a distance of 2.2-5.1 Mpc for the range of E(B-V)=0.08-0.32, and the atmospheric dilution factor ζ=0-0.4. The distance estimates with the assumption of low reddening and low dilution as well as moderate reddening and moderate dilution are both consistent with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Cepheid distance to M 81 (3.6±0.3 Mpc)

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