
Hand Pose Estimation Using Deep Stereovision and Markov-chain Monte Carlo


Hand pose is emerging as an important interface for human-computer interaction. The problem of hand pose estimation from passive stereo inputs has received less attention in the literature compared to active depth sensors. This paper seeks to address this gap by presenting a datadriven method to estimate a hand pose from a stereoscopic camera input, by introducing a stochastic approach to propose potential depth solutions to the observed stereo capture and evaluate these proposals using two convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The first CNN, configured in a Siamese network architecture, evaluates how consistent the proposed depth solution is to the observed stereo capture. The second CNN estimates a hand pose given the proposed depth. Unlike sequential approaches that reconstruct pose from a known depth, our method jointly optimizes the hand pose and depth estimation through Markov-chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling. This way, pose estimation can correct for errors in depth estimation, and vice versa. Experimental results using an inexpensive stereo camera show that the proposed system more accurately measures pose better than competing methods

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