Analysis of Learning Strategies in The Speaking Class at The Second Grade Students of Senior High School


Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui strategi belajar yang digunakan oleh siswa, kemampuan berbicara siswa dan menemukan korelasi antara strategi belajar bahasa dengan kemampuan berbicara siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMAN 1 Binduriang Bengkulu menggunakan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. 20 siswa kelas dua dipilih sebagai sample. 50 quesionire dan test menggunakan storytelling untuk mengukur kemampuan berbicara siswa. Data dianalisa menggunakan product moment corelation. Ada 6 strategy belajar siswa yang berbeda meliputi; meta-cognitive (3.56), memory (2.95), affective (2.85), sosial (2.82), cognitive (2.77) dan compentation (3.11). Hasil nilai dari kemampuan berbicara siswa adalah (68.05), meliputi; vocabulary (72.5), comprehension (72.5), Pronunciation (66.5), fluency (66.5), dan grammar (62.5). Vocabulary dan comprehension adalah paling tinggi, terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara penggunaan strategi belajar siswa dengan kemampuan berbicara dimana nilai r adalah 0.562.The objectives of this research are to find out the strategies of language learning that are used by the students, to find out the students speaking ability, and to find out the correlation between students language learning strategies with students speaking ability. This research was conducted in SMAN 1 Binduriang Bengkulu by using qualitative and quantitative method. There were 20 students from the second grade as a sample. 50 items of questionnaires to check the learning strategy and given test in speaking by using storytelling. The data were analyzed by product moment corelation. There are 6 kinds of different language learning strategies, including; meta-cognitive (3.56), memory (2.95), affective (2.85), social (2.82), cognitive (2.77) and compensation (3.11). The average score of students speaking ability is (68.05), such us; vocabulary (72.5), comprehension (72.5), Pronunciation (66.5), fluency (66.5), and grammar (62.5). The average score of vocabulary and comprehension were the highest one, there was a significant correlation between language learning strategies with speaking ability where value was 0.562.Keywords: learning strategy, speaking ability, students speaking ability

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