
Abstract:There are two main objectives of this research (1) to find out how peercorrection technique improves the students’ activities in teaching-learning process (2)to find out how peer correction technique improves the students’ writing ability inwriting a narrative text. This research uses classroom action research. The subject ofthe research is the students of class X at SMAN 1 Gadingrejo in the academic year2011/2012.The result of this research is that, there was 25.92% of improvement from the firstcycle until second cycle in learning process. It happened since the teacher asked thestudents to change the position in order to make the teaching-learning process runningwell. The passive students in the left row sat next to the active students in the rightrow. It was done in order to make the passive students become more active. Bychanging the students’ position, it encouraged the passive students being more activesince they sat next to the active students. Meanwhile, there are 23 students (85.18%)whose scores had achieved the target of the indicator in learning product. It was foundthat the students’ writing scores improved when the teacher focused on the specificerrors based on the correction checklist that was given. Correction checklist providedspecific errors to enable and help the students in correcting their peer’s work. Byusing it, the students felt easier when they should focus on some errors. It made thestudents know what should be corrected when peer correction was implemented.They could learn from the mistakes that their friends had made and also they couldlearn from their friends who gave the correction to make their writing better.Keywords: peer correction technique, writing, narrative tex

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