Affinity binding of non-histone chromatin proteins to the X chromosome of Drosophila by in situ chromatin reconstitution and its significance


Cytophotometric analysis of the in situ binding affinity of non-histone chromosomal protein (NHCP) to the polytenic X chromosome and autosome of Drosophila melanogaster has been carried out using Feulgen-Napthol Yellow S staining technique. The results reveal that the mean transformed absorbance ratio (male:female) with a 547nm interference band filter for the two specific segments of the X chromosome is close to 0-5, while for a specific segment of an autosome it is close to l"0, in the two sets of control; namely, the positive control (no treatment) and the negative control (treated with 1 M-urea+2M-NaCl) as well as in the reconstituted chromosomal preparations, which received 1 M-urea+2M-NaCl and the NHCP isolated from D. melanogaster. In contrast, the transformed absorbance ratios (male:female) with a 433 nm interference band filter yielded an interestingly different result. The ratios with a 433 nm filter for the X chromosome segments are significantly greater than 0-5 in all three sets of experiments. This finding by itself suggests that the NHCP binding affinity is dissimilar for the X chromosomes of male and female. When the 433 to 547 nm absorbance ratios were compared among the three sets, the data clearly revealed that in both positive control and NHCP reconstituted samples, the absorbance ratios (i.e. 433:547 nm) are significantly different between X chromosomes from males and those from females, while they are different between autosomes from males and females. The ratios are also not significantly different between male and female, either for the X chromosome or for the autosome in the negative control. These findings, therefore, suggest that there is a stronger binding affinity of NHCP for the male X chromosome of Drosophila, and reinstate the view that the X chromosomal hyperactivity in male Drosophila is the consequence of a regulated organizational change in the DNA template

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