
Entropic approximation for mathematical programs with robust equilibrium constraints


In this paper, we consider a class of mathematical programs with robust equilibrium constraints represented by a system of semi-infinite complementarity constraints (SIC C). We propose a numerical scheme for tackling SICC. Specific ally, by relaxing the complementarity constraints and then randomizing the index set of SICC, we employ the well-known entropic risk measure to approximate the semi-infinite onstraints with a finite number of stochastic inequality constraints. Under some moderate conditions, we quantify the approximation in term s of the feasible set and the optimal value. The approximation scheme is then applied to a class of two stage stochastic mathematical programs with complementarity constraints in combination with the polynomial decision rules. Finally, we extend the discussion to a mathematical program with distributionally robust equilibrium constraints which is essentially a one stage stochastic program with semi-infinite stochastic constraints indexed by some probability measures from an ambiguity set defined through the KL-divergence

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