Energy dependence of multiplicity in proton-nucleus collisions and models of multiparticle production


This is a continuation of our earlier investigation (Gurtuet al 1974Phys. Lett. 50 B 391) on multiparticle production in proton-nucleus collisions based on an exposure of emulsion stack to 200 GeV/c beam at the NAL. It is found that the ratio Rem = <ns>/<nch>, where <nch> is the charged particle multiplicity in pp-collisions, increases slowly from about 1 at 10 GeV/c to 1.6 at 68 GeV/c and attains a constant value of 1.71 ± 0.04 in the region 200 to 8000 GeV/c. Furthermore, Rem = 1·71 implies an effective A-dependence of RA =A 0.18,i.e., a very weak dependence. Predictions of R em on various models are discussed and compared with the emulsion data. Data seem to favour models of hadron-nucleon collisions in which production of particles takes place through adouble step mechanism,e.g., diffractive excitation, hydrodynamical and energy flux cascade as opposed to models which envisage instantaneous production

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