Synthesis of Biodiesel Using Liquid Morpholine as a Homogeneous Basic Catalyst


The described technique can be used to produce biodiesel from pure canola oil, waste vegetable oil, or animal fat. The method described in the project uses excess of methanol and liquid morpholine as a catalyst. With this method the biodiesel is produced without soapy water and in less corrosive reaction conditions. The excess methanol can be recovered by distillation and recovery of morpholine while not currently very successful (52%) can be improved with a more powerful vacuum in a vacuum distillation. This method uses a new catalyst that reduces the problems in the purification of biodiesel and glycerol. The described method uses simple liquid liquid extraction to separate the biodiesel produced from the glycerol. Once extracted purification involves filtrtion and evaporation. The final part of the method is testing using GC-MS, 1H NMR, and 13C NMR for the presence of biodiesel

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