Various stories


A RITE OF SUMMER The car came slowly down the dirt road and now as it approached the cabin its lights winked off. Darkly, quietly, it found the weedy driveway and crept into it. The two men got out. Each had an overnight bag, and the driver also carried a flat leather case. Gently the two men pushed the car doors shut and went into the cabin without speaking. The driver closed the door. "What time is it?" he said. "Two-fifteen," said the other, switching on the light, "We never made it much before this." The driver tossed his bag onto a cot and put the leather case on the large, black-painted dining table. He looked over at his friend who was checking the drawn curtains. "You want a drink first?" "No, I think I'll wait 'till after. You go ahead though." "I think I'll wait myself," said the driver, unsnapping the case. Mow he paused. "Bob?" "Yeah." "How about you taking the .22 tonight? The trip made my eyes tired." "Sure, man, you know it doesn't matter. You 0. K. for the concussion gun?

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