Supporting the Changing Practices of Undergraduate Business Teaching at North Carolina Central University


In the Fall of 2018, North Carolina Central University (NCCU) joined with thirteen other institutions to participate in an Ithaka S+R study to understand Business instructors’ undergraduate teaching processes towards developing resources and services to support them in their work. Ithaka S+R in a not-for-profit organization that “helps academic and cultural communities serve the public good and navigate economic, technological, and demographic change” (Ithaka S+R, 2015). Ithaka S+R “works with leaders in higher education, academic libraries, foundations, and publishers to research, evaluate, and provide strategic guidance in a range of areas” such as: student success, access to higher education, diversity, and research and teaching practices, and more (Ithaka S+R, 2018).This report will outline the pedagogical practices of School of Business instructors at North Carolina Central University. The goal of this study is to understand Business instructors undergraduate teaching process towards developing resources and services at North Carolina Central University and how the librarians at the James E. Shepard Memorial Library can support their work

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