The design and technical production of Jason Miller's That championship season


Jason Miller's That Championship Season was designed as partial fulfillment of the M.F.A. degree for the Department of Drama and Speech. Part One of this thesis contains the pre-production analysis. In the analysis careful attention is paid to the historical background and stylistic approach as it relates to the production. The set, costumes, lights, and sound are then discussed as originally conceived by the designer and the director's needs. Part Two is in the form of a production record which illustrates the actual production as it appeared on stage. That section includes ground plan, set rendering, photographs of the production, elevations and work drawings. Also included is a costume plot and renderings of the costumes, a light plot, an instrument schedule, a switchboard set-up chart, sound plot, and the poster design. Part Three is the designer's post-production analysis. In that section the actual success of the production is considered. The set, costumes, and lighting are all evaluated in regard to their relevancy to the overall production

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