The relationship between the self-concept, the body-image and the movement-concept of college freshmen women with low and average motor ability


Man has always been concerned about himself. He constantly tries to determine those forces in operation which influence him in the ever-changing process of life; he wonders who he is and what he can be; he wonders how he is influenced and how he can influence. Early in life, man begins to acquire a self - an individuality he will someday call "me" and "I" and connote by these words the unique values, ideals, attitudes, beliefs and feelings that make him what he is. Man learns that his self is not something he alone determines; environmental forces which he cannot always control change and mold his being. His actions take on the characteristics of his immediate environment - he is in action with the family, the socio-educational group of which he is a part, and with the individuals within these groups. He becomes an active participant in the lifelong process of adjustment but all the time his actions and reactions are formulated in terms of self

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