Analisa Konektivitas Pelabuhan Indonesia Timur Menggunakan Pendekatan Teori Grafik Untuk Mendesain Jaringan Pelabuhan Yang Lebih Efisien Menggunakan Hub-And-Spoke Model


Hampir sebagian besar pengangkutan barang nasional menggunakan tranportasi laut, terutama Indonesia bagian Timur. Karakteristik geografi di darat dan laut dan infrastruktur yang ada di Indonesia Timur mendukung pengangkutan barang lebih efisien menggunakan transportasi laut. Akan tetapi, biaya logistik (kontainer/km) di wilayah Indonesia Timur lebih mahal dibanding dengan Indonesia Barat. Upaya peningkatan konektivitas antar pelabuhanpelabuhan di Indonesia, khususnya wilayah Indonesia Timur diyakini akan mampu mereduksi biaya logistik yang ada sekarang ini. Penelitian ini berupaya menganalisa konektivitas antar pelabuhan-pelabuhan di wilayah Indonesia Timur seperti pelabuhan hub, pelabuhan pengumpan dan pelabuhan perintis. Pola pelayaran untuk pengangkutan barang juga dipertimbangkan untuk diperhatikan seperti pola pelayaran Ro-Ro, ferry antar pulau, perintis dan lainnya. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat diketahui bagaimana tingkat densitas konektivitas dari pelabuhan-pelabuhan Indonesia Timur. Berdasarkan tingkat densitas konektivitas yang ada, akan dilakukan analisa bagaimana pola konektivitas antar pelabuhanpelabuhan di wilayah Indonesia Timur yang lebih efisien dan rekomendasi kebijakan apa yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan konektivitas antar pelabuhan-pelabuhan tersebut. =========================================================================================================== Most of national logistics transportation system use sea transportation especially in Eastern Indonesia. The geographical characteristic and infrastructure in the land and sea support the logistic transportation system is more efficient if use sea transportation. However, there are significant gap between inflow and outflow goods in most of eastern Indonesia seaports. Consequently, the logistics cost (container/km) in Eastern Indonesia is more expensive than in Western Indonesia. The effort to improve the connectivity between seaports in Eastern Indonesia believed can reduce to logistic cost. The goal of this research is to analyze connectivity each seaports in Eastern Indonesia and designing more efficient network pattern. This research will be divided into two main parts, the first part is the connectivity analysis and the correlation between transportation cost, and the second part is designing new network pattern based on the connectivity analysis. In the first part, graph theoretical approach is used to analyze the connectivity in this research. This approach can measure the accessibility of seaports using geographical analysis that considers distance between ports, and frequency of transfers. The outcome of graph theoretical approach is connectivity index for each seaports. The connectivity results then used as standard to design network pattern using hub and spoke model. The second parts of the research is to develop some scenarios that could be applied to the network. The scenarios developed are based on the demand weighted distance, the administrative level of seaports, and “Pendulum Nusantara” concept that developed by PT. Pelindo II. There will be one chosen scenario that proposed

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