A comparative analysis of the performance interview in graduate instruction


Although the goals of education, particularly at the graduate level, involve much more than the processing and storing of information, it is generally accepted that mastery of information is prerequisite to the utilization of that information in creative analysis, synthesis, and generation of ideas. To achieve the goal of student mastery of information various instructional methodologies have been employed. Traditional approaches to instruction at the graduate level have included the lecture method as well as various group discussion procedures. The limitations of these traditional approaches in producing the desired mastery of information have been pointed out (Malott & Rollofson, 1970). According to Fiebert (1970) the lecture is inefficient in facilitating the desired retention, recall, and transfer of ideas as well as aversive to many students and teachers. According to Hobbs (1970) discussion methods are frequently fraught with confusion concerning their goals, strategies, 2 roles, and relationship to other types of intellectual discourse. He further emphasizes that it is difficult, if not impossible, to maintain any control over the topographical aspects of the verbal behavior which occurs in group discussions

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