Do Your Thoughts Matter? Because They Are Made Of Matter? An Exploration On The Mind Body Problem Through The Lenses Of Philosophy, Neuropsychology, and Quantum Physics


In the late 21th century, the concept of Quantum Consciousness arose, joining theories and concepts from the disciplines of Philosophy, Neuropsychology, and Quantum Physics. The Preface of Mind, Matter, and Quantum Mechanics (Henry P. Stapp. 1993) states, “Nature appears to be composed of two completely different kinds of things; rock-like things and idea-like things. The first is epitomized by an enduring rock, the second by a fleeting thought. A rock can be experienced by many of us together, while a thought seems to be long to one of us alone” (Stapp, 1993 p. vii). Stapp refers to the mind-body problem, not as a problem, but as a connection; the mind-body connection. Descartes believed the mind and body could be separate and act separately. Stapp embellishes Descartes philosophy of “I think, therefore I am” through Quantum Physics by connecting the mind to the body; calling it the mind-body connection. Stapp states that nature is composed of two different things, rock-like things and idea-like things. I believe that rock-like things and idea-like things do not differ, but are one and the same. This paper explores the philosophies of Descartes, the contents of a thought and the ways in which neuropsychology and Quantum Physics help illuminate the question: do thoughts contain matter

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