Methods of Motivation in Secondary Jazz Ensembles


The goal of the proposed study is to investigate the motivation in high school jazz band students. Research suggests that students learn and retain information more efficiently when motivated. Research also suggests the motivational drive of students is of high interest to educators. If a music educator can understand what motivates certain students to want to become better performers, he or she take this information and apply it to other students who may be lacking this motivation, as an option for an alternative motivating resource. High school students who perform in jazz ensembles are motivated and inspired to take on additional tasks and challenges. The proposed study will examine those motivational factors, which lead high school jazz band students to go beyond the requirements of a regular band student. This research project, which required a study of the current literature with information gathered from articles, journals, and books on learning and motivation. A presentation of this literature review will be presented in two parts, as a written document and as a lecture-recital. The written document will consist of a review of current and relevant literature focused on those factors that motivate high school band students. Special heed will focus on those studies, which center on high school music students, especially with regard to motivation factors in the jazz band classroom. The written portion of this study will list techniques for utilizing more efficient rehearsal strategies, improved performance techniques, and motivational strategies to improve and promote student learning, and motivation. A presentation that shows through the research of current literature, suggestions on how high school music teachers can encourage their students to become motivated in the music classroom will occur. A lecture-recital will be given to present the findings regarding those factors, which motivate high school jazz band students, grades nine through twelve. The findings of this research will suggest that the students’ drive for success continues through a combination of extrinsic motivations and intrinsic interests. The lecture-recital presentation will include a performance of four jazz band pieces performed by the authors’ jazz band students. The author will intersperse the recital with components of the lecture and will perform with the students utilizing a different instrument for each song

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