This paper presents a novel task-oriented, user-centered, multi-method evaluation (TUME) tech-nique and shows how it is useful in providing a more complete, practical and solution-oriented assessment of the accessibility and usability of Learning Management Systems (LMS) for blind and visually impaired (BVI) students. Novel components of TUME include a purposeful integra-tion of a multi-theoretic foundation and multiple methods to accurately identify users’ accessibil-ity and usability problems in Web interaction and identify design problems and solutions to en-sure technical feasibility of recommendations. The problems identified by TUME remain hidden from extant evaluation methods - therefore, these problems remain in Web-based applications. As a result, evaluation of Web-based applications remains confounded by users’ Web interaction challenges; their utility for specific user types remains unclear. Without appropriate evaluation of users’ problems and challenges in using Web-based applications, we cannot begin to solve these problems and challenges. This paper demonstrates how TUME can be used to identify the unique problems and challenges of specific user types in using Web-based applications and suggests po-tential solutions. The outcome is an accurate understanding of specific design elements that pre-sent roadblocks and challenges for the user in interacting with the Web-based application and feasible design modifications to potentially improve the utility of these applications for specific user types